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Thursday, September 8

8th Sep Late – Trichet’s final fling

Summary: ECB and BoE both left the rates unchanged, EUR trading weaker across the board. Trichet’s press conference was interesting, as he became quite animated at times. There was hope that he would our could have done something, just like the latest heroes of markets, the Swiss National Bank. Unfortunately, not everyone can be like SNB. At least Trichet managed to do some finger pointing to the right direction - political leaders of the largest countries. Interesting links today: Dalio, currency war debate and harsher rhetoric towards Greece. 

Views: Given the headlines and statements it is obvious that everyone wants to have the Greeks thrown out of the euro, but it will be very hard to backstop Greece's exit: markets would decide to expect similar result for Portugal and maybe even Spain and Italy. Given this, eurocrats have to look and sound like they are trying their utmost with Greece, make demands that are impossible to meet and then have the moral high ground where they can easily kick the Greeks out, instead of the ever-present proverbial can. 

I tweeted earlier: "EURUSD long ATM 1.3995, stop 1.3960, automatic tp on half at 1.4050", so that clearly went to the stop loss (1.3995-1.4055= 40 pips). 

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