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Wednesday, January 23

23rd Jan - US Open

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

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Roundups & Commentary

US Opening News And Market Re-Cap – Ransquawk / ZH
Frontrunning – ZH
Overnight: Cautiously Confident With IBM, GOOG Down; AAPL Next – ZH
The Lunch Wrap – alphaville / FT
Emerging N.Y. headlines – beyondbrics / FT
Daily press summary – Open Europe

Morning MarketBeat: IBM Poised to Fuel Rally; Apple On Deck – WSJ
Broker Note Briefing – WSJ
Choppy Consolidation Featured – Marc to Market

(audio) BizDaily: The US Government's Debt LimitBBC (mp3)
keep the government running - but only for a few more months. And there are deep spending cuts due in March. What are the implications for the US economy? George Magnus, independent adviser to UBS, gives his assessment. A former Federal Reserve Governor, Randall Kroszner, looks at what it would take to get government debt on to path that is sustainable in the long term.

China Economic Paradigm Nearing End Gamenaked capitalism
GMO, in a compelling analysis, not only confirms the skeptics’ case but provides reasons why the Chinese growth model faces an end game. While it may not be nigh, it seems to be closer than most people think.

Morning Briefing (EU/US): Round And RoundBNY Mellon
The start of 2013 has some strong similarities to the same period in 2002. However, it is differences between the two periods that tell us the most.

Tilastonikkari synkensi lukuja – Kreikka haastaa oikeuteenTalSa

Euromaat jäävät valuuttasodan ristituleenJan Hurri / TalSa
Japanin keskuspankki BoJ ilmoitti samaan tapaan kuin Yhdysvaltain Fed aiemmin, että se ryhtyy ostamaan kotivaltionsa velkakirjoja määrää ennalta rajaamatta. Tarkoitus on heikentää jeniä vaikka väkisin. Fed tekee samaa dollarille. Näin käydään valuuttasotaa – jossa euro on jäänyt ristituleen.

Suomen taloushaasteet vasta edessäTalSa
Väestön ikääntyminen, työpaikkojen menetys ulkomaille ja koveneva kilpailu panevat Suomen yhä ahtaammalle.

Suomi nousuun!Sampo Terho

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